Blacklist Lookup

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Status: Active
Tern: Free
Zone: 1
Removal Link:


SpamCannibal blocks spam at the origination server and can be configured to block DoS attacks. pamCannibal uses a continually updated database containing the IP addresses of spam or DoS servers and blocks their ability to connect using a TCP/IP tarpit, SpamCannibal's TCP/IP tarpit stops spam by telling the spam server to send very small packets. SpamCannibal then causes the spam server to retry sending over and over - ideally bringing the spam server to a virtual halt for a long time or perhaps indefinitely. SpamCannibal blocks spam at the source by preventing the spam server from delivering the messages from its currently running MTA process. This effectively eliminates the network traffic to your site because the spam never leaves the origination server. This same strategy works equally well when SpamCannibal's tarpit daemon is configured to defend against DoS attacks.

SpamCannibal Benefits

1. SpamCannibal can block spam email from entering your local network. This eliminates wasting time sorting through spam and keeps spam from wasting your network bandwidth.
2. A community of SpamCannibals can eat the spammers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. With enough sites running SpamCannibal, the community of cannibals can block spam directly at the multiple spam sources. Since SpamCannibal sports has its own DNSBL, a community of cannibals can easily share the workload of spreading the identity spammer IP addresses. This helps everyone and can reduce the overload on the network caused by spam.
3. Once you have SpamCannibal running, you can begin to forget about spam. Once enough sites are running Spam Cannibal, everyone can begin to forget about spam.
